Welcome to another edition of The Lab Report!
For a second issue in a row, it looks like we’re switching up the format.
Last time, the Bricks Builder vulnerability was running rampant and I felt the need to give a run down of my security stack.
This week, Cwicly randomly decided to shut down and cause absolute chaos.
Maybe next week we’ll get to just chill for a bit?
That would be nice.
Anyways, let’s get into the Cwicly stuff.
Man, what a shocker.
I felt like I usually had a good read on what they were up to, but this came out of left field.
None of it makes any sense.
And I think it’s the worst thing to happen in the WordPress community in a long time.
I’d try to explain everything that went down here, but I think Gmail would clip the email.
I have a lot of thoughts.

(Sorry, the audio isn’t the greatest. I got a new mic, and somehow still managed to screw it up).
I also published my thoughts as an article in case you’re more a fan of the written word.
I was quite nervous to publish that video, but I really hope it improves the situation for everyone involved.
Or at least help prevent something like this from happening again in the future.
Hopefully in the next newsletter, we’ll get to talk about all the new and exciting things that are happening in WordPress & web design.
Figma just released “multi-editing“, which looks like it should be a huge workflow improvement!
And before I wrap up, wanted to share that WS Form is running a 30% off promo for WordCamp Asia.
I just finished migrating from ActiveCampaign to Bento, and the dude pretty much developed the integration for me right in front of my eyes.
Can’t speak highly enough of WS Form.
☁️ Closing Comments
That’s all from me this week. Thanks for reading until the end!
If you ever want to discuss any of the topics in this newsletter, I usually post a dedicated thread each week inside of the NewPulse Labs Facebook group.
You can also find previous issues of The Lab Report over at newpulselabs.com/newsletter.
Talk soon!